The Hotflash inc podcast
Hotflash inc is an evidence, expert and human-experience driven podcast looking for the true truth in perimenopause, menopause and beyond.
In more than 100 episodes menopause and midlife journalist and host Ann Marie McQueen has spoken to a wide range of experts from around the globe, including practitioners, activists, researchers, doctors and industry leaders about this perplexing transition we still know too little about. She’s talked about her own frustrations and personal experiences. And she has connected with a perimenoposse of powerful women in the midst of a perplexing transition.
Hotflash inc is among the top 1.5 percent of podcasts in the world according to Listen Notes. It was named the number one podcast in women’s health in August 2023 by GOODPODS.
The Hotflash inc podcast
Latest Episodes
148: Science-backed holistic healing for migraines with Diane Ducarme

147: Yoga for menopause and beyond with Niamh Daly

146: BONUS: The power of cellular nutrition & Urolithin A with Jennifer Scheinman, RDN

145: Your midlife brain health action plan with neurologist Dr Teryn Clarke

144: The evolutionary approach to midlife + menopause with Jenny Powers